Convert 1 Katha = Satak by Easy Calculator
How many area Satak is equal to 1 Katha is a common question for the people. But most of the people doesn't know this simple answer using the formula. If you want to ask me 1 Katha to Satak in Bangladesh, i will take the help of following conversion calculator that is very easy to handle. Generally Sometimes people spell satak in Bangla in different way such as sotok, satok, sotak, shotok, shatak, shatok or shotak etc. Satak is a short form of Shotangsho in different regions of the country. Ojutangsho is a smaller unit of shotangsho. Shotangsho also spell as shatangsha, sotangso, shatangso, shotangsha, satangsa, satangso and sotangsa etc. Actually 1 Katha is equal to 1.65 Satak approximately. Please use the following converter as how many your katha to equivalent satak easily.
To Others Unit |
1 Katha = 0.01652892561983471 Acre |
1 Katha = 0.6689025353264151 Ayer |
1 Katha = 0.05 Bigha |
1 Katha = 16 Chotak |
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Decimal |
1 Katha = 419.99999999895 Dhul |
1 Katha = 60 Dondho |
1 Katha = 0.8333333333333334 Gonda |
1 Katha = 0.006689025353264152 Hectare |
1 Katha = 13.333333333333334 Kak |
1 Katha = 0.041666666666666664 Kani |
1 Katha = 1 Katha |
1 Katha = 10 Kontho |
1 Katha = 3.3333333333333335 Kora |
1 Katha = 9.917355371900827 Kranti |
1 Katha = 165.28925619834712 Ojutangsho |
1 Katha = 12600.00000063 Renu |
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Satak |
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Shotangsho |
1 Katha = 0.1652892561983471 Square Chain |
1 Katha = 720 Square Feet |
1 Katha = 320 Square Hat |
1 Katha = 103680.06635524247 Square Inchi |
1 Katha = 1652.892561983471 Square Link |
1 Katha = 66.89025353264152 Square Meter |
1 Katha = 80 Square Yard |
1 Katha = 198.34710743801654 Til |
All the above result is approximately calculated by the area conversion method. These results commonly for Bangladesh. But this conversion system can matched with some regions of India, Nepal etc.
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