Convert 1 Katha to Decimal using Conversion Calculator

It is appeared that Decimal, Dismil, Satak or Shotangsho are the same as calculation. So converting 1 Katha to Decimal is equal to that of Satak. How many Decimals is equal to 1 Katha? You will be also able to calculate any number of Katha to Decimal at a little effort by the changing of numbers only in the following calculator.
Others Area Conversion List
To Others Unit
1 Katha = 0.01652892561983471 Acre
1 Katha = 0.6689025353264151 Ayer
1 Katha = 0.05 Bigha
1 Katha = 16 Chotak
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Decimal
1 Katha = 419.99999999895 Dhul
1 Katha = 60 Dondho
1 Katha = 0.8333333333333334 Gonda
1 Katha = 0.006689025353264152 Hectare
1 Katha = 13.333333333333334 Kak
1 Katha = 0.041666666666666664 Kani
1 Katha = 1 Katha
1 Katha = 10 Kontho
1 Katha = 3.3333333333333335 Kora
1 Katha = 9.917355371900827 Kranti
1 Katha = 165.28925619834712 Ojutangsho
1 Katha = 12600.00000063 Renu
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Gonda
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Shotangsho
1 Katha = 0.1652892561983471 Square Chain
1 Katha = 720 Square Feet
1 Katha = 320 Square Hat
1 Katha = 103680.06635524247 Square Inchi
1 Katha = 66.89025353264152 Square Meter
1 Katha = 80 Square Yard
1 Katha = 198.34710743801654 Til


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