
Showing posts from July, 2017

Convert Acre to Bigha in India by Easy Converter

To convert Acre to Bigha by using a converter, we need a online calculator which is best to suite with the area measurement conversion method. But the conversion rate is not same in all states of India. It varies from region to region in sizes of Bigha. We will try to merge all the factors of Acre to Bigha in land calculation in real-states. There are many different states in India such as Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal (Kolkata) etc. All the regions have the separate sizes of Bigha in one Acre. Acre to Bigha conversion formula in Assam and West Bengal (Kolkata) Assam and West Bengal (Kolkata) have the similarities in conversion of Acre to Bigha. Suppose one acre to bigha in Assam is as same as that of West Bengal. The people of both regions can follow the similar calculation formula in area conversion. Generally people say 1 Acre equal to 3 Bigha when they measure area by this method. 1 Acre = 3.025 Bigha...

Convert Gaj to Square Meter by Easy Calculator

Generally one gaj equal to zero decimal point eight three six approximately that is in number 1 Gaj = 0.836 square meter. It is very easy to convert gaj to square meter by using our following calculator. Just to put your number to the first input box and you get your converted result. Let's see here 120 gaj equal to 100 square meter (approx). From To Others Area Conversion List To Others Unit 120 Gaj = 0.024793388429752067 Acre 120 Gaj = 1.0033538029896227 Ayer 120 Gaj = 0.075 Bigha 120 Gaj = 24 Chotak 120 Gaj = 2.4793388429752063 Decimal 120 Gaj = 629.999999998425 Dhul 120 Gaj = 90 Dondho 120 Gaj = 1.25 Gonda 120 Gaj = 0.010033538029896228 Hectare 120 Gaj = 20 Kak 120 Gaj = 0.0625 Kani 120 Gaj = 1.5 Katha 120 Gaj = 15 Kontho 120 Gaj = 5 Kora 120 Gaj = 14.876033057851242 Kranti 120 Gaj = 247.93388429752068 Ojutangsho ...

Chatak to Square Feet ( Sq Ft ) Online Converter

The traditional unit Chatak to Square Feet is mainly used in Bangladesh, India (West Bengal - Kolkata). This is the best online converter to convert any kind of area mesurement. Some can spell chatak as chotak, chittacks etc. It can be used as magic calculator. From To Others Area Conversion List To Others Unit 1 Chotak = 0.0010330578512396695 Acre 1 Chotak = 0.04180640845790094 Ayer 1 Chotak = 0.003125 Bigha 1 Chotak = 1 Chotak 1 Chotak = 0.10330578512396693 Decimal 1 Chotak = 26.249999999934374 Dhul 1 Chotak = 3.75 Dondho 1 Chotak = 0.052083333333333336 Gonda 1 Chotak = 0.0004180640845790095 Hectare 1 Chotak = 0.8333333333333334 Kak 1 Chotak = 0.0026041666666666665 Kani 1 Chotak = 0.0625 Katha 1 Chotak = 0.625 Kontho 1 Chotak = 0.20833333333333334 Kora 1 Chotak = 0.6198347107438017 Kranti 1 Chotak = 10.330578512396695 ...

Convert 100 Gaj in Square Feet at a Glance

It is easy to convert 100 Gaj in Square Feet by our excellent online converter . No matter how many quantity you want to convert. Actually Gaj means square gaj when you measure this is a area measurement. We have tried to mention all decimal places of conversion result, but you can count those 1 decimal, 2 decimal or 3 decimal places etc that is your requirements. This  is fantastic area changing calculator. From To 100 Gaj in Square Feet = 900 Square Feet 100 Gaj = 0.02066115702479339 Acre 100 Gaj = 0.8361281691580189 Ayer 100 Gaj = 0.0625 Bigha 100 Gaj = 20 Chotak 100 Gaj = 2.0661157024793386 Decimal 100 Gaj = 524.9999999986875 Dhul 100 Gaj = 75 Dondho 100 Gaj = 1.0416666666666667 Gonda 100 Gaj = 0.008361281691580189 Hectare 100 Gaj = 16.666666666666668 Kak 100 Gaj = 0.052083333333333336 Kani 100 Gaj = 1.25 Katha 100 Gaj = 12.5 Kontho 100 Gaj = 4.166666666666667 Kora 100 Gaj = 12.396694214876034 Kranti 100 Gaj = 206.61157024793388 Ojutangsho 100 Gaj = 15750.000000787499 Renu...

Convert 1 Gaj to Square Feet ( gaj to sq ft ) by Easy Converter

You will be delighted to know that converting 1 gaj to square feet is very easy with our sophisticated online converter. It is called gaj to sq ft in short. The unit gaj basically used in different shape of measurement. Sometimes people measure items like clothes using unit of gaj. It is widely used in subcontinent specially in India, Bangladesh and Nepal in real state. Gaj is approximately equivalent to English unit square yard. Gaj is differently spelled by the people such as gaz, guz, goz and goj etc. Generally 1 gaj = 9 square feet when you measure it is as an area. This is the easy area converter which can help you to find any quantity of area. We can assure you to calculate area of any piece of object, land etc by our following calculator. From To Others Area Conversion List To Others Unit 1 Gaj = 0.00020661157024793388 Acre 1 Gaj = 0.008361281691580189 Ay...