Conversion formula of area of land in Bangladesh
There are many traditional land measurement units in different district in Bangladesh. To calculate area of land we need to convert from one area unit to another area unit. Suppose district Dhaka has one kind of units whereas Chittagong has the different. So, To know the all kinds of conversion with the modern units we have arranged a complete list of standard land measurement rules of Bangladesh as follows: Formula of Paki, Bigha and Decimal: 1 Paki = 1 Bigha = 33 Decimal 1 Decimal = 1 Shotangsho (Shotok/Satak) = 435.6 Sq Feet (approx) 1 Kattah (or Cottah) = 1.65 Shotangsho (approx) 1 Katha = 165 Ojutangsho (approx) 1 Shotangsho = 100 Ojutangsho 1 Katha = 720 Sq Feet (approx) 20 Katha = 1 Bigha 1 Katha = 1.65 Decimal 3 Bighas = 1 Acre approx. (1600 square yards) 4 Kora = 1 Gonda 20 Gonda = 1 Kani 80 Kora = 1 Kani 120 Decimal = 1 Kani 1 Satak = 435.6 Square feet 1 Katha = 1.65 Satak 1 Dismil = 435.6 Square Feet (Sq Ft) Formula of Square Feet and Kani: 17280 Square Feet ...